Quantum Merging is founded upon fundamental principles of electromagnetism. The movement of electrons across a positively- and negatively-charged magnetic field generates waves of energy as light and electricity. Human beings can harness this primal force as sexual energy to create an electromagnetic current so powerful that it instantly transports them into the Cosmic Source-Field in which all forms of energy arise. Here is the scientific explanation of how Quantum Merging works:
Electromagnetic waves are generated by moving electrons. An electron generates an electric field which we can visualize as lines radiating from the electron Figure 10a. If the electron moves, say it vibrates back and forth, then this motion will be transferred to the field lines and they will become wavy Figure 10b. In turn, the moving electron generates a magnetic field that will also become wavy from the motion of the electron. These combined electrical and magnetic waves reinforce one another. This kind of wave is called an electromagnetic wave and light is such a wave.
Since all matter contains electrons and all these electrons are in motion, as are the atomic nuclei they spin around, all matter generates electromagnetic waves. Since all electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed (c) the frequency of the waves is determined by the frequency of the vibrating electrons that generate them. Hot substances have more energy and their component atoms vibrate more rapidly than those of cold bodies. Thus the peak energy radiated by hot bodies has a higher frequency, shorter wavelength, than that of cooler bodies. The relationship of the peak frequency of a black body to its absolute temperature is expressed by Wein's Law.
Wein's Law
lmax = a/T
a = 2989 if l is measured in microns
Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is emitted by all matter and consists of orthogonal electrical and magnetic waves. All EM travels at the same speed through a vacuum (186,000 miles per second or 300,000 kilometers per sec.). This radiation is generated by a moving charge or charges.
All matter consists of atoms in motion and these in turn consist of positively charged protons surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
In QM understanding, the masculine energy consists of ‘positively-charged light protons’ accumulated through the process of seed cultivation and emitted through the Lingam of the man, where they interact with the ‘cloud of negatively-charged electrons’ generated by the receptive force of desire within the Yoni of the woman.
The vibrating motion of the atoms causes the cloud of electrons to oscillate and this oscillation generates electromagnetic radiation.
In QM understanding, as the masculine and feminine lovers begin to move (vibrate) in the dance of sacred love, the positively-charged protons emitted from the Lingam of the man as he holds his seed enters the cloud of negatively-charged electrons within the receptive Yoni of the woman, causing them to oscillate faster and naturally generate electromagnetic energy.
As this oscillating cloud of negatively-charged electrons within the womb of the woman is further activated by the excited movement of the positively- charged protons emitted by the man, the electromagnetic radiation between them increases exponentially!
This process instantly creates an electromagnetic Dynamo of epic proportions.
“A dynamo creates energy. It's short for "dynamoelectric machine," which is a generator that cranks out electric currents. If someone calls you a dynamo, don't get mad, it just means you're energetic. The word dynamo comes from the Greek dynamis for ‘power.’”
Dynamo - Dictionary Definition Vocabulary.com
In QM terms, this sexually-powered electromagnetic Dynamo generates a Vortex of Light that rises up between the positively- and negatively-charged bodies of the masculine and feminine lovers, instantly becoming a Superconductor* Connection to Source.
*Superconductors are materials that conduct electricity with no resistance. This means that, unlike the more familiar conductors such as copper or steel, a superconductor can carry a current indefinitely without losing any energy.
(Source: Superconductor Week)
In QM understanding, the body of the feminine partner literally becomes a Superconductor through her openness without resistance to the positively-charged masculine force of her lover. Because he builds his positive charge (rather than dissipating it through ejaculation), this permits the electromagnetic energy generated in their sexual play to increase in ever-expanding states of intensity within the Superconductor of her ecstatic body.
Since all electromagnetic radiation travels at the same velocity (which is the speed of light), the frequency and wavelength of the generated radiation depends on the frequency of the oscillating electron cloud.
Think about this: the electromagnetic radiation generated by the movement and attraction between the positively- and negatively-charged bodies of the QM lovers travels at the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second!
And the intensity of the ‘frequency and wavelength’ of the electromagnetic energy generated between the QM lovers is determined by the ‘frequency of the oscillating electron cloud’ activated in the woman’s Yoni.
In other words, in order to generate sufficient force to create a Super Nova explosion of ecstasy in the woman that is powerful enough to carry them into the Source Field of Bliss during the embrace of Quantum Merging, the male lover only needs master the art of holding his seed while emitting positively-charged protons into the negatively-charged electron cloud in the woman’s Yoni, and voila, the power builds within the superconductor of her body until she erupts as a Rocketship of Bliss that they both ride into the stratosphere!
As we love to say in Quantum Merging, the Dynamo takes you into the Stratosphere. Through the power generated in intimate union we ride the ‘Dyno into the Strato’!
Thus, on average, cool objects (say those at room temperature) generate long wavelength (low frequency) radiation, while hot objects (such as the sun) generate short wavelength (high frequency) radiation.
QM lovers activate highly vibrating erotic energy through the heat of their passion, and ‘high frequency radiation’ is naturally produced. In other words, when you’re hot you’re Hot.
All you mystic hot and mystic hard people out there, Quantum Merging is for everyone who wants to increase their energy, health, bliss and happiness.. even science geeks!